发射新的IoT模块,用于卫星通信中实时数据分析。 Iridium launches new IoT module for real-time data analysis in satellite communications.
通信公司已发射了Iridium Certus 9704 IoT模块,这是其射程中最小和最强大的单元,旨在对卫星IoT应用中的实时数据进行分析。 Iridium Communications has launched the Iridium Certus 9704 IoT module, the smallest and most powerful in its range, designed for real-time data analysis in satellite IoT applications. 此模块支持更大的文件传输、 更快的信息速度, 并使用比先前的模型更少的功率 。 This module supports larger file transfers, faster message speeds, and uses less power than previous models. 对于预测维护和远程资产追踪等各种应用程序来说,这是理想的。 It's ideal for various applications like predictive maintenance and remote asset tracking. 随附的开发工具包简化了开发商的集成和测试,免费提供信息和参考材料。 The accompanying development kit simplifies integration and testing for developers, offering free messages and reference materials.