印度中小企业认为可持续性至关重要,尽管投资准备程度低,但最愿意为绿色航运支付更多的费用。 Indian SMEs see sustainability as crucial, with most willing to pay more for green shipping despite low investment readiness.
最近DHL Express(DHL Express)对包括印度在内的11个全球市场的5,000个中小企业的调查显示,95%的印度中小企业将可持续性视为其企业的“非常重要”或“极其重要”,而全球的这一比例为75%。 A recent DHL Express survey of 5,000 SMEs across 11 global markets, including India, shows that 95% of Indian SMEs view sustainability as "very important" or "extremely important" to their business, compared to 75% globally. 在印度,51%的客户认为可持续航运费用会更高,而全球为23%。 In India, 51% believe customers would pay more for sustainable shipping, compared to 23% globally. 大多数印度中小企业认为,可持续的交付方案能够促进商业成功,并希望与可持续的物流供应商结成伙伴关系。 Most Indian SMEs think sustainable delivery options can boost commercial success and want to partner with sustainable logistics providers. 然而,只有9%愿意将其预算的5%以上投资于可持续性。 However, only 9% are willing to invest more than 5% of their budget in sustainability.