格林斯博罗警察的车辆撞车造成东温多弗大道的车道关闭和受伤。 Greensboro Police vehicle crash caused lane closure and injuries on East Wendover Avenue.
东Wendover大道一辆格林斯博罗警车坠毁,林赛街和首脑会议大道之间的西行道被关闭,据报有人受伤。 A crash involving a Greensboro Police vehicle on East Wendover Avenue resulted in the closure of the westbound lane between Lindsay Street and Summit Avenue, with injuries reported. 事件发生在上午5时30分左右,该地区此后已重新开放。 The incident occurred around 5:30 a.m. and the area has since been reopened. 当局建议驾驶者使用替代路线并谨慎行事。 Authorities advised drivers to use alternative routes and exercise caution.