Fortnite介绍弹道导弹,这是一种新的5v5模式,在这种模式下,各小组竞相放置或拆除一枚炸弹。 Fortnite introduces Ballistic, a new 5v5 mode where teams compete to plant or defuse a bomb.
Fortnite 推出了一种名为 Ballistic 的新模式,这是一款免费的第一人称射击游戏,可在抢先体验中使用。 Fortnite has introduced a new mode called Ballistic, a free-to-play first-person shooter available in early access. 在5v5模式下 一组人试图安放一枚炸弹 而另一组人则捍卫它 In this 5v5 mode, one team tries to plant a bomb while the other defends it. 比赛的特色是独特的武器 与不同的后座模式, 玩家可以选择5个小玩意, 比如泡沫盾和手榴弹。 The game features unique weapons with distinct recoil patterns, and players can choose from five gadgets like bubble shields and grenades. 轮持续到炸弹爆炸或所有球员被淘汰,每七场胜利,球队就会换. Rounds last until the bomb is detonated or all players on a team are eliminated, with teams switching roles every seven wins. 弹道提供排名和非排名的游戏,根据玩家的排名进行匹配. Ballistic offers both ranked and unranked play, with matchmaking based on player rank.