佛罗里达渔夫在Amelia岛附近 捕捉了稀有的9至10英尺长的大白鲨 很可能是同类的首当其冲 Florida fisherman catches rare 9-10 foot Great White Shark near Amelia Island, likely first of its kind.
Alberto Vanegas,佛罗里达渔民, 在Amelia岛附近捕捉了9至10英尺长的大白鲨, 可能是该地区第一个海边捕捉的大白鲨。 Alberto Vanegas, a Florida fisherman, caught a 9-10 foot Great White Shark off Amelia Island, potentially the first beach-caught Great White in the area. 鲨鱼的名字叫"Jaws" 照片拍完后很快就被放出来了 The shark, nicknamed "Jaws," was quickly released after photos were taken. OCEARCH的Bob Hueter博士指出,大白鲨在佛罗里达东岸冬季并不罕见, Dr. Bob Hueter of OCEARCH notes that Great Whites are not uncommon off Florida's East Coast in winter and suggests that the untagged shark indicates a healthier population than previously thought. Vanegas希望他的捕获能有助于鲨鱼养护工作。 Vanegas hopes his catch will aid in shark conservation efforts.