弗林特法官下令进行调解 打破市议会在取代墨菲议员问题上的僵局 Flint judge orders mediation to break city council deadlock on replacing Councilman Murphy.
密歇根的弗林特法官下令进行调解,以解决市议会在任命已故议员昆西·墨菲的替补人选问题上陷入僵局的问题。 A Flint, Michigan judge has ordered mediation to resolve the city council's deadlock over appointing a replacement for late Councilman Quincy Murphy. 即将退休的Celeste Bell法官将在弗林特道德与问责委员会采取法律行动后,监督1月6日开始的进程。 Judge Celeste Bell, who is soon to retire, will oversee the process starting January 6, following legal action by the Flint Ethics and Accountability Board. 一些理事会成员赞成举行特别选举而不是调解。 Some council members favor a special election over mediation.