77 岁的埃尔顿·约翰 (Elton John) 在他的 Disney+ 纪录片中保持不干涉;详细介绍了挣扎、信念和健康挫折。 Elton John, 77, stays hands-off in his Disney+ doc; details struggles, beliefs, and health setbacks.
他的纪录片《Elton John:永不迟到》将于12月13日在Disney+上发布。 Elton John, 77, is "completely hands off" in the making of his documentary "Elton John: Never Too Late," which will be released on Disney+ on December 13. 电影制作人David Furnish和共同导演RJ Cutler使用看不见的片段和动画来填补空白。 Filmmaker David Furnish and co-director RJ Cutler used unseen footage and animation to fill in gaps. 约翰也揭露了他对“更高权力”的信念, 也揭露了他与吸毒成瘾的斗争, 承认他在吸毒成瘾期间对伴侣的治疗很差。 John has also revealed his belief in a "higher power" and his struggle with drug addiction, admitting he treated partners poorly during his addiction. 最近,由于感染,他的右眼失去视力,但他仍然对恢复感到乐观。 Recently, he lost vision in his right eye due to an infection, but he remains optimistic about recovery.