DoorDash实施更严格的身份证检查和背景调查,以打击司机不安全驾驶。 DoorDash implements stricter ID checks and background checks to combat unsafe driving by its drivers.
DoorDash正在加强驾驶员身份证检查,以解决交通安全问题和未经授权的账户分享问题。 DoorDash is enhancing driver ID checks to address traffic safety concerns and unauthorized account sharing. 在洛杉矶、丹佛和西雅图等城市分娩后,司机现在面临实时身份检查,并计划进行更广泛的推广。 Drivers now face real-time identity checks after deliveries in cities like Los Angeles, Denver, and Seattle, with a wider rollout planned. 该公司还采用了一个机器学习系统,对未经授权的进入进行标记,要求司机使用政府颁发的身份证和通过背景调查核实其身份。 The company has also introduced a machine learning system to flag unauthorized access, requiring drivers to verify their identity using government-issued ID and pass background checks. 这一举措是继一些司机多次违反交通规则进行危险驾驶的投诉后采取的。 This initiative follows complaints about dangerous driving by some drivers with multiple traffic violations.