Dennis Calvert, BioLargo公司首席执行官,被任命就环境技术贸易向美国提供咨询意见。 Dennis Calvert, CEO of BioLargo, Inc., appointed to advise U.S. on environmental tech trade.
美国商务部长Gina Raimondo任命BioLargo公司首席执行官Dennis P. Calvert担任环境技术贸易咨询委员会(ETTAC)的成员。 Dennis P. Calvert, CEO of BioLargo, Inc., has been appointed to the Environmental Technologies Trade Advisory Committee (ETTAC) by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. ETTAC就影响美国环境技术工业的贸易政策和方案提供咨询,重点是促进这类技术的出口。 ETTAC advises on trade policies and programs that impact the U.S. environmental technology industry, focusing on promoting the export of such technologies. Calvert任期两年,倡导采用创新的环境解决方案。 Calvert will serve a two-year term, advocating for the use of innovative environmental solutions.