一辆商业卡车在巴权力机构Emlenton附近的I-80东面翻转,关闭公路,直到第二天清关。 A commercial truck overturned on I-80 East near Emlenton, PA, closing the highway until it was cleared early next day.
12月11日晚期,在宾夕法尼亚州Emlenton附近45和53号出口之间,一辆商业卡车在I-80东段翻转,导致公路关闭至12月12日清晨。 A commercial truck overturned on I-80 East between Exits 45 and 53 near Emlenton, Pennsylvania, late on December 11, causing the highway to close until early December 12. 埃姆伦顿消防局和一辆救护车对现场作出了反应,但没有严重受伤的报告。 The Emlenton Fire Department and an ambulance responded to the scene, but no serious injuries were reported. 公路在卡车清空后重新开放。 The highway was reopened after the truck was cleared.