孟买高等法院下令重新考虑对庆祝Tipu Sultan、Azad和宪法日的游行的拒绝许可。 Bombay High Court orders reconsideration of permission denial for a procession celebrating Tipu Sultan, Azad, and Constitution Day.
孟买高等法院质疑马哈拉施特拉邦政府拒绝批准在普那巴拉马提(Baramati)游行, 以庆祝Tipu Sultan和Maulana Abul Kalam Azad的诞辰周年, The Bombay High Court has questioned the Maharashtra government over denying permission for a procession in Baramati, Pune, to celebrate the birth anniversaries of Tipu Sultan and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, alongside Constitution Day. 法院指示Pune农村警察重新考虑这一许可,指出单凭法律和秩序方面的关切不能作为拒绝集会的理由。 The court directed the Pune rural police to reconsider the permission, stating that law and order concerns alone are not justification to deny the rally. 请愿人AIMIM Pune总统Faiyaz Shaikh奉命会见Pune警察总监,以最后确定集会的路线和日期。 The petitioner, AIMIM Pune President Faiyaz Shaikh, is instructed to meet the Pune Superintendent of Police to finalize the rally's route and date. 案件定于12月17日进行进一步审理。 The case is set for further hearing on December 17.