亚当·桑德勒(Adam Sandler)的《快乐吉尔莫(Happy Gilmore)》续集由Eminem和原演员组成,定于2025年7月发行。 Adam Sandler's "Happy Gilmore" sequel, featuring Eminem and original cast members, is set for a July 2025 release.
亚当·桑德勒已宣布 2025年7月释放的《快乐吉尔莫》的续集即将完成 Adam Sandler has announced that the sequel to "Happy Gilmore," set for a July 2025 release, is nearing completion. 影片中, Eminem 扮演了科诺的角色, 还有原演员Julie Bowen、Christopher McDonald和Ben Stiller的回音。 The film features Eminem in a cameo role, along with returns from original cast members Julie Bowen, Christopher McDonald, and Ben Stiller. 高尔夫传说Jack Nicklaus和John Daly也出现, 以及玛格丽特·奎利、巴德·邦尼和特拉维斯·凯尔斯等新演员。 Golfing legends Jack Nicklaus and John Daly also appear, alongside new cast members like Margaret Qualley, Bad Bunny, and Travis Kelce. Sandler在采访Dan Patrick时透露了这些细节,指出7月的准确释放日期尚未最后确定。 Sandler revealed these details during an interview with Dan Patrick, noting that the exact release date in July is yet to be finalized.