女演员琳达·卡德利尼 (Linda Cardellini) 在 Netflix 的新黑色喜剧《No Good Deed》中饰演苦苦挣扎的房屋卖家。 Actress Linda Cardellini stars in Netflix's new dark comedy "No Good Deed" as struggling home sellers.
女演员琳达·卡德利尼 (Linda Cardellini) 因在邪典剧集《怪胎与极客》(Freaks and Geeks) 中的角色而闻名,她出演了 Netflix 的新黑色喜剧《No Good Deed》。 Actress Linda Cardellini, known for her role in the cult series "Freaks and Geeks," stars in Netflix's new dark comedy "No Good Deed." 该剧围绕空巢老人出售房屋展开,导致三个家庭发生冲突,并揭露了一个黑暗的秘密。 The show revolves around empty nesters selling their home, leading to conflict among three families, with a dark secret revealed. 49 岁的卡德利尼拥有多元化的职业生涯,包括在《好汉堡》、《律政俏佳人》和《复仇者联盟:终局之战》中扮演角色。 Cardellini, 49, has had a diverse career, including roles in "Good Burger," "Legally Blonde," and "Avengers: Endgame." 她与史蒂文·罗德里格斯 (Steven Rodriguez) 订婚并育有一女。 She is engaged to Steven Rodriguez and has a daughter.