在副手注意到黑河瀑布的不良驾驶后,女子因第七次 OWI 被捕。 Woman arrested for seventh OWI after deputy noticed poor driving in Black River Falls.
在Jackson县的Black River Falls, 一名43岁的妇女因第七起OWI犯罪被逮捕, In Black River Falls, Jackson County, a 43-year-old woman was arrested for her seventh OWI offense after a deputy observed poor driving following a report of a potentially intoxicated driver. Nichole Waughtal 未通过现场清醒测试,被关进杰克逊县监狱。 Nichole Waughtal failed field sobriety tests and was booked into Jackson County Jail. 在法庭证明有罪之前,她坚持无罪推定原则。 She maintains a presumption of innocence until proven guilty in court.