在波士顿罗克斯伯里发生的校车失事涉及多辆汽车,没有严重受伤的报告。 School bus crash in Roxbury, Boston, involves multiple vehicles, no serious injuries reported.
星期二下午5时左右,在波士顿的罗克斯伯里,在沃伦街和科普兰街十字路口附近发生校车失事。 A school bus crash occurred in Roxbury, Boston, near the intersection of Warren Street and Copeland Street around 5 p.m. on Tuesday. 涉及多辆车辆,包括一辆翻车。 Multiple vehicles were involved, including a flipped car. 儿童在公共汽车上时,没有严重受伤的报告。 While children were on the bus, no serious injuries were reported. 波士顿警察局正在调查造成该地区交通拥堵的事故原因。 The Boston Police Department is investigating the cause of the accident, which caused traffic congestion in the area.