San Diego的Joe LaCava当选市议长, 面对258万美金的赤字, San Diego's Joe LaCava elected council president as city grapples with a $258M deficit.
圣地亚哥市理事会成员Joe LaCava被一致推选为新理事会主席,接替Sean Elo-Rivera。 San Diego City Council member Joe LaCava was unanimously elected as the new council president, succeeding Sean Elo-Rivera. LaCava的新作用包括领导会议、确定议程和管理委员会。 LaCava's new role involves leading meetings, setting agendas, and managing committees. 他上任是因为该市在下一个财政年度面临2.58亿美元的赤字,部分原因是最近拒绝增加销售税的提议。 He takes office as the city faces a $258 million deficit for the next fiscal year, partly due to the recent rejection of a proposed sales tax increase.