Samsung的银河银河Z Flip 7将使用一个新的Exynos芯片,从Qualcomm处理器中转移。 Samsung's Galaxy Z Flip 7 will use a new Exynos chip, shifting from Qualcomm processors.
三星计划在即将推出的Galaxy Z Flip 7中使用其内部的Exynos 2500芯片,标志着从早期模型中使用的高通龙处理器转变. Samsung plans to use its in-house Exynos 2500 chip in the upcoming Galaxy Z Flip 7, marking a shift from Qualcomm's Snapdragon processors used in earlier models. 这一变化是在三星稳定了3nm制造工艺之后发生的,提高了绩效和效率。 This change follows Samsung's stabilization of the 3nm manufacturing process, enabling better performance and efficiency. 该公司还计划在2025年推出更实惠的Galaxy Z Flip FE,两款产品都配备Exynos 2500芯片. The company also aims to launch a more affordable Galaxy Z Flip FE in 2025, both featuring the Exynos 2500 chip. 这一举措可有助于降低成本,扩大内部芯片在更多装置的使用范围。 This move could help reduce costs and expand the use of in-house chips across more devices.