教皇弗朗西斯支持“大众虔诚”将世俗社会的人与精神重新连接起来。 Pope Francis backs 'popular piety' to reconnect people in secular societies with spirituality.
教皇弗朗西斯支持民众的虔诚或各社区独特的宗教表达方式,认为这是与世俗社会精神联系的一种方式。 Pope Francis supports popular piety, or the unique religious expressions of communities, seeing it as a way to connect with spirituality in secular societies. 他将访问科西卡,结束关于这一主题的会议,目的是利用民众虔诚作为福音传教的平台。 He will visit Corsica to close a conference on this topic, aiming to use popular piety as a platform for evangelization. 西班牙的Juan Miguel Ferrer Grenesse神父指出,强大的民众信仰有助于保持宗教的生活方式,即使在世俗化地区也是如此。 Spanish priest Father Juan Miguel Ferrer Grenesche notes that strong popular religiosity helps maintain a religious sense of life, even in secularized areas.