家长们抱怨温彻斯特的圣诞活动中出现“假”圣诞老人,导致组织者提供退款。 Parents complain about a "fake" Santa at Winchester's Christmas event, leading the organizers to offer refunds.
温彻斯特的家长对新圣诞老人 在大会堂的圣诞活动感到不满, 称他为"假",因为一个廉价的西装和胡子。 Parents in Winchester are upset over a new Santa at the Great Hall's Christmas event, calling him "fake" due to a cheap suit and beard. 负责管理这项活动的Hampshire文化信托基金在抱怨票价上涨时,向不满意者退款。 The Hampshire Cultural Trust, which manages the event, has offered refunds to those dissatisfied, amid complaints about increased ticket prices. 与往年相比,新的体验被批评为“一团糟”,因为前几年的圣诞老人更加真实和令人难忘。 The new experience has been criticized for being a "shambles" compared to previous years, where Santa was more authentic and memorable.