巴基斯坦权力部长试图在贸易和能源方面加强与塔吉克斯坦的经济联系。 Pakistan's power minister seeks to boost economic ties with Tajikistan in trade and energy.
巴基斯坦权力部长Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari强调巴基斯坦希望加强与塔吉克斯坦的联系,重点是贸易、能源、农业和工业方面的经济合作。 Pakistan's Minister for Power, Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari, emphasized Pakistan's desire to enhance ties with Tajikistan, focusing on economic cooperation in trade, energy, agriculture, and industry. Leghari强调增加贸易的潜力,并请塔吉克斯坦利用巴基斯坦的贸易路线改善经济关系。 Leghari highlighted the potential for increased trade and invited Tajikistan to use Pakistan's trade routes for better economic relations. 讨论旨在提出具体建议,加强双边关系。 The discussions aim to produce concrete recommendations to boost bilateral relations.