北卡罗来纳州削减了因成本造成的减重药物资金,而联邦覆盖面可能扩大。 North Carolina cuts funding for weight loss drugs due to costs, while federal coverage may expand.
北卡罗来纳州政府员工健康计划不再覆盖像Ozempic那样的减肥药品, North Carolina's state employee health plan no longer covers weight loss drugs like Ozempic due to high costs, spending over $170 million in 2021. 然而,国家的医疗补助计划仍覆盖这些药物,帮助管理2型糖尿病和体重减退。 However, the state's Medicaid program still covers these drugs, which help manage Type 2 diabetes and weight loss. 拜登政府提议为医疗补助和医疗补助病人提供这些药品的联邦保险,尽管在下一届政府下,它面临潜在的变化。 The Biden administration proposes federal coverage for these medications for Medicaid and Medicare patients, though it faces potential changes under the next administration.