尼日利亚政治家向人民党道歉, Nigerian politician apologizes to APC, clarifies comments seen as praising rival PDP.
尼日利亚政治家阿尔哈桑·阿多多古瓦为在Ede日庆祝活动上发表的言论向全进步党 (APC) 致歉, Nigerian politician Alhassan Ado Doguwa apologized to the All Progressives Congress (APC) for comments made at Ede Day celebrations that were seen as praising the opposing Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Osun State. Doguwa声称,他的言论被人民民主党误解并用来谋取政治利益。 Doguwa claimed his comments were misinterpreted and used for political gain by the PDP. 他向刚果人民军保证他的忠诚,并说该党将于2026年恢复对Osun的控制权。 He assured the APC of his loyalty and stated the party will regain control in Osun by 2026.