微软公司发布了最后的2024年安全最新情况,修复了72个缺陷,包括关键弱点。 Microsoft releases final 2024 security updates, fixing 72 flaws including critical vulnerabilities.
微软最后的2024年补丁周二更新内容包括72个修补,16个严重缺陷和54个重大虫。 Microsoft's final 2024 Patch Tuesday update includes 72 fixes, with 16 critical flaws and 54 important bugs. 值得注意的是,CVE-2024-49138允许特权升级并被积极利用,而CVE-2024-49112则构成远程代码执行风险。 Notably, CVE-2024-49138 allows privilege escalation and is actively exploited, while CVE-2024-49112 poses a remote code execution risk. Adobe还发布了167个缺陷修补办法,大多涉及跨地点脚本问题。 Adobe also released 167 flaw fixes, mostly addressing cross-site scripting issues. 今年,微软公司弥补了共计1,020个脆弱性,仅次于2020年的1,250个。 This year, Microsoft patched a total of 1,020 vulnerabilities, second only to 2020's 1,250. 敦促信息技术管理人员迅速安装这些更新资料,以防止可能的攻击。 IT administrators are urged to install these updates promptly to prevent potential attacks.