密歇根的Marvin's Marvin's Marvelous机械博物馆 正向Orchard Mall一个更大的空间移动, 从5 300平方英尺扩大到14 000平方英尺。 Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum in Michigan is moving to a bigger space at Orchard Mall, expanding from 5,300 to 14,000 square feet.
马文的Marvin's Marvelous机械博物馆, 密歇根州Farmington Hills的一个大众集市, 正在迁移到西Bloomfield的Orchard Mall的更大空间。 Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum, a popular arcade in Farmington Hills, Michigan, is relocating to a larger space at Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield. 新地点将从5 300平方英尺扩大到14 000平方英尺,可以提供更多的展览和私人聚会室。 The new location will expand from 5,300 to 14,000 square feet, allowing for more exhibits and private party rooms. 该博物馆目前所在地的最后一天是2025年1月5日,但新地点的重新开放日期尚未宣布。 The museum's last day at its current location is January 5, 2025, but the reopening date at the new site has not been announced yet.