推出MyStore首页,作为创业者方便用户、负担得起的电子商务平台。 LaunchMyStore debuts as a user-friendly, affordable e-commerce platform for entrepreneurs.
LaunchMyStore 是一个新的电子商务平台,为企业提供了一种创建和管理在线商店的简便方法,与 Shopify 等平台竞争。 LaunchMyStore, a new e-commerce platform, offers businesses an easy way to create and manage online stores, competing with platforms like Shopify. 它有一个方便用户的界面,用于在没有编码的情况下建设专业商店前台,外加产品管理、推广和与社交媒体和付款网关整合的工具。 It features a user-friendly interface for building professional storefronts without coding, plus tools for managing products, scaling, and integrating with social media and payment gateways. 该平台旨在让希望扩大数字存在的企业家能够负担得起和方便地利用该平台。 The platform aims to be affordable and accessible for entrepreneurs looking to expand their digital presence.