以色列部队杀害了与最近的袭击和渗透有关的两名哈马斯最高领导人。 Israeli forces killed two top Hamas leaders linked to recent attacks and infiltrations.
以色列国防军已在加沙消灭两名哈马斯高级特工。 The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have eliminated two senior Hamas operatives in Gaza. 10月7日,Fahmi Salami领导哈马斯袭击以色列国防军的一个哨所,造成14名士兵死亡。 负责空中渗透的哈马斯滑翔伞部队负责人Salah Dahman在单独的空袭中被打死。 Fahmi Salami, who led the Hamas attack on an IDF outpost on October 7, resulting in the deaths of 14 soldiers, and Salah Dahman, head of Hamas's paraglider unit responsible for aerial infiltrations, were killed in separate airstrikes. 这些行动是以色列与哈马斯之间目前冲突的一部分。 These operations are part of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.