尼日利亚的伊斯兰警察在一个公共汽车站扣押了200多箱可疑酒精。 Islamic police in Nigeria seize over 200 cartons of suspected alcohol at a bus station.
索科托州Hisbah委员会是一支伊斯兰警察部队,在索科托中央汽车公园缴获了200多箱可疑酒精。 The Sokoto State Hisbah Board, an Islamic police force, seized over 200 cartons of suspected alcohol at the Sokoto Central Motor Park. 没有人要求这些物品,董事会的指挥官Usman Jatau说,他们将征求州司法专员的意见,决定下一步行动。 No one claimed the items, and the board's commander, Usman Jatau, said they will consult the state's Justice Commissioner to decide next steps. 董事会执行包括着装守则和基于伊斯兰法律的社会互动的条例,旨在指导日常生活,不以个人为对象。 The board enforces regulations including dress codes and social interactions based on Islamic law, aiming to guide daily life without targeting individuals.