印度部长与美国犹太人委员会会晤,讨论印度-美国关系和区域问题。 Indian minister meets American Jewish Committee to discuss India-US relations and regional issues.
印度外交部长S. Jaishankar在新德里与美国犹太人委员会会晤,讨论印度-美国关系和西亚的事态发展。 Indian External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar met with the American Jewish Committee in New Delhi to discuss India-US ties and developments in West Asia. Jaishankar赞赏犹太委员会支持印度-美国关系。 Jaishankar appreciated the AJC's support for India-US relations. 这次会议是在他最近访问卡塔尔和巴林之后举行的,他在那里就区域和全球问题,包括解决冲突和双边关系,进行了高级别讨论。 This meeting follows his recent tour to Qatar and Bahrain where he engaged in high-level discussions on regional and global issues, including conflict resolution and bilateral ties.