保健技术公司和大学获得183 000英镑,用于为南亚痴呆病人学习音乐疗法。 Healthtech firm and university get £183,000 to study music therapy for South Asian dementia patients.
一家保健技术公司和Anglia Ruskin大学获得了183 000英镑的赠款,用于研究如何将音乐用作治疗南亚裔痴呆病人的治疗工具。 A healthtech company and Anglia Ruskin University have received a £183,000 grant to study how music can be used as a therapeutic tool for dementia patients of South Asian descent. 研究旨在根据文化偏好调整音乐干预措施,并有可能改善患者的结果。 The research aims to tailor musical interventions to cultural preferences and potentially improve patient outcomes.