阿鲁纳恰尔邦总督主张进行平衡的国防土地改革,强调安全和社区福祉。 Governor of Arunachal Pradesh pushes for balanced defense land reforms, stressing security and community well-being.
阿鲁纳查尔邦的总督KT Parnaik中校会见了国防地产经理SN Gupta,讨论管理国防土地的问题。 The governor of Arunachal Pradesh, Lt Gen KT Parnaik, met with SN Gupta, a Defence Estates director, to discuss managing defense lands. Parnaik强调必须采取平衡兼顾的办法,处理国家安全、地方社区福祉和环境关切问题。 Parnaik stressed the need for a balanced approach that addresses national security, local community well-being, and environmental concerns. 他提议进行改革和更好的土地管理,以加强防御基础设施,同时促进与公民的积极关系。 He proposed reforms and better land management to strengthen defense infrastructure while fostering positive relations with citizens.