Daniel Crawford因贩毒和逃避审判被判处24年徒刑,尽管家人恳求。 Daniel Crawford sentenced to 24 years for drug trafficking and fleeing trial, despite family pleas.
Daniel Crawford,42岁,来自Las Cruces, 因毒品指控和逃避审判被判处24年徒刑。 Daniel Crawford, a 42-year-old from Las Cruces, was sentenced to 24 years in prison for drug charges and fleeing his trial. Crawford, 惯犯,被缉获海洛因和甲基安非他明,意图进行贩运。 Crawford, a habitual offender, was caught with heroin and methamphetamine with intent to traffic. 尽管家属请求宽大处理,检察官还是以他逃离法庭为由强调了他的犯罪历史和缺乏悔恨。 Despite family pleas for leniency, prosecutors highlighted his criminal history and lack of remorse, citing his flight from the courtroom.