在测试苯丙胺阳性后,CFL玩家Sione Teuhema被暂停两场比赛。 CFL player Sione Teuhema suspended for two games after testing positive for amphetamines.
CFL已经暂停了B. C. The CFL has suspended B.C. 狮子防御线人Sione Teuhema在测试安非他明(一种违禁物质)呈阳性后参加两场比赛。 Lions defensive lineman Sione Teuhema for two games after he tested positive for amphetamine, a banned substance. 这是他第一次违反毒品政策 他不能参加常规赛季或决赛 It's his first drug policy violation, and he cannot participate in regular-season or playoff games. 然而,小组可以允许他参加训练营、季节前游戏、练习或会议。 However, the team can allow him in training camp, pre-season games, practices, or meetings. Teuhema 在雄狮队度过了他整个三年的 CFL 职业生涯,在 45 场常规赛中记录了 96 次抢断、6 次特殊球队抢断和 22 次擒杀。 Teuhema, who has played his entire three-year CFL career with the Lions, has recorded 96 tackles, six special-teams tackles, and 22 sacks in 45 regular-season games.