印度在孟买主办了“Dine with DevOps II 2024”, 旨在简化工业的DevOps。 Canarys Automations and Technophiles India hosted "Dine with DevOps II 2024" in Mumbai, aiming to simplify DevOps for industries.
Canarys Automations Limited and Technophies India 共同赞助了在印度孟买举行的最大的DevOps会议“Dine with DevOps II 2024年DevOps II”, Canarys Automations Limited and Technophiles India co-hosted the "Dine with DevOps II 2024," the largest DevOps conference in India, held in Mumbai. 这次活动旨在简化各行业的DevOps和DevSecOps复杂性。 The event aimed to simplify DevOps and DevSecOps complexities across industries. 加那利人领导了一个会议,分享了20年的DevOps的经验和展示工具,例如GitHub、GitLab、Azure DevOps和Kubernetes,以突出变革自动化解决方案。 Canarys led a session sharing 20 years of DevOps experience and showcased tools like GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps, and Kubernetes to highlight transformative automation solutions.