水牛岛居民要求这些法案对当地教育、就业和健康倡议作出更多投资。 Buffalo residents demand more investment from the Bills in local education, employment, and health initiatives.
布法罗比尔队(Buffalo Bills)之前打球的地方布法罗东区(Buffalo's East Side)的居民敦促球队投资于社区倡议,以帮助振兴这个贫困率为 28.3% 的地区。 Residents in Buffalo's East Side, where the Buffalo Bills previously played, are urging the team to invest in community initiatives to help revitalize the area, which has a 28.3% poverty rate. 这些法案已承诺370万美元用于社区福利,但居民希望更多关注青年教育、就业和心理健康。 The Bills have committed $3.7 million to community benefits, but residents want more focus on youth education, employment, and mental health. 在一次公开听证会上,有人对新体育场的建造缺乏少数族裔和当地企业的参与以及有必要更好地监督《社区福利协定》表示关切。 At a public hearing, concerns were raised about the lack of minority and local business involvement in the new stadium's construction and the need for better oversight of the Community Benefits Agreement.