Bollywood明星Shah Rukh Khan参观了厨师Vikas Khanna的纽约餐厅,实现终生梦想。 Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan visited chef Vikas Khanna's New York restaurant, fulfilling a lifelong dream.
Bollywood明星Shah Rukh Khan参观了Vikas Khanna厨师在Bungalow的纽约餐厅,满足了Khanna水桶清单上的愿望。 Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan visited chef Vikas Khanna's New York restaurant, Bungalow, fulfilling a wish on Khanna's bucket list. Khanna在Instagram上分享一则情感文章, 表达Khan是如何成为英雄的。 Khanna shared an emotional post on Instagram, expressing how Khan became his hero. 这次访问是在关于共同遗产的真诚交谈中注意到的。 The visit was noted for heartfelt conversations about shared heritage. Khan的下一个项目,“King”, 将会与他的女儿Suhana Khan一起亮相, 并即将开始生产。 Khan's next project, "King," will star alongside his daughter, Suhana Khan, and is set to begin production soon.