坐在轮椅上的女人在新奥尔良被红色Chevy Silvado撞死。 Woman in wheelchair struck and killed by red Chevy Silverado in New Orleans hit-and-run.
一名坐在轮椅上的妇女于12月9日在新奥尔良的十字路口被一辆红色Chevplolet Silvado击中后丧生。 A woman in a wheelchair was killed after being hit by a red Chevrolet Silverado at an intersection in New Orleans on December 9. 司机逃离了现场。 The driver fled the scene. 受害人被送往医院,但后来死亡。 The victim was taken to the hospital but later died. 警方正在调查肇事逃逸事件,并正在寻找被描述为有色窗户、没有顶盖的车辆。 The police are investigating the hit-and-run incident and are searching for the vehicle described as having tinted windows and no hubcaps.