Virginia男子因被指控通过联邦调查局的毒刺行动支持伊斯兰国而面临审判。 Virginia man faces trial for alleged support of Islamic State through FBI sting operation.
Virginia男子Parwaiz Daud因据称通过联邦调查局的刺刺行动支持伊斯兰国而受审。 A Virginia man, Parwaiz Daud, is on trial for allegedly supporting the Islamic State through an FBI sting operation. 审判将审查他据称与恐怖主义集团进行的金融和通讯活动。 The trial will scrutinize his alleged financial and communication activities with the terrorist group. 有人对潜在的诱捕行为以及他参与的程度表示关切,强调需要仔细审查提交的证据。 Concerns about potential entrapment and the extent of his involvement have been raised, highlighting the need to carefully examine the evidence presented.