Tasmanian man Robert Greig因向警车开枪而遭追捕,在躲避俘虏时死于一辆被烧毁的汽车。 Tasmanian man Robert Greig, sought for shooting at police cars, died in a burned vehicle while evading capture.
Robert George Greig,33岁,在2022年9月26日在塔斯马尼亚向两辆警车开枪后,在躲避警察的同时,建立了一个丛林营。 Robert George Greig, 33, set up a bush camp while evading police after shooting at two police cars in Tasmania on September 26, 2022. 10月10日,他的汽车被发现被烧毁,车上有尸体。 His vehicle was found burned, containing his body, on October 10. 霍巴特的审讯正在调查他的死因 揭露Greig有犯罪史 已经服过刑 An inquest in Hobart is examining his death, revealing Greig had a criminal history and had served jail time. 他父亲最初认为是警察杀了他,但证据不支持这一点。 His father initially believed police killed him, but evidence did not support this. 由于火灾,死亡原因仍未确定。 The cause of death remains inconclusive due to the fire.