南非对133名新的交通官员进行了升级,以对付节假日道路死亡事故。 South Africa gradates 133 new traffic officers to combat holiday season road fatalities.
在南非西开普,133名新的交通官员毕业,以便在节日季节加强道路安全。 In South Africa's Western Cape, 133 new traffic officers have graduated to boost road safety during the festive season. 他们接受交通法、事件管理和反腐败方面的培训,将共同努力减少12月头六天全国报告的162起致命撞车事故和193起死亡事件。 Trained in traffic laws, incident management, and anti-corruption, they will join efforts to reduce the 162 fatal crashes and 193 deaths reported across the country in the first six days of December. 运输部长Barbara Creecy敦促司机确保其车辆适合行驶,避免饮酒和驾车,强调改变行为对于更安全的道路至关重要。 The Transport Minister, Barbara Creecy, urges drivers to ensure their vehicles are roadworthy and avoid drinking and driving, emphasizing that behavior change is crucial for safer roads.