支持英国多个城镇的当地慈善团体。 Skipton's Community Giving campaign distributed funds to support local charities across multiple UK towns.
斯基普顿的社区捐赠活动为英国多个城镇的当地慈善机构筹集资金,包括艾尔斯伯里,切沙姆,小查尔特,爱丁堡,哈罗盖特和诺斯安普顿. Skipton's Community Giving campaign has raised funds for local charities in multiple towns across the UK, including Aylesbury, Chesham, Little Chalfont, Edinburgh, Harrogate, and Northampton. 每个地区都庆祝所收到的捐款,支持各种社区项目和倡议。 Each area celebrated the donations received, supporting various community projects and initiatives.