6名危地马拉人因偷运移民而被捕,他们死于2021年墨西哥一次卡车撞车事故。 Six Guatemalans were arrested for smuggling migrants who died in a 2021 Mexico truck crash.
6名危地马拉人因与2021年在墨西哥发生的一次卡车撞车事件有关的偷运人口罪被逮捕和指控,这次事故造成50多名移民死亡。 Six Guatemalans have been arrested and charged with human smuggling in connection with a 2021 truck crash in Mexico that killed over 50 migrants. 这辆载有至少160名移民的卡车坠毁在恰帕斯州Tuxtla Gutierrez的一座行人桥上。 The truck, carrying at least 160 migrants, crashed into a pedestrian bridge support in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. 24至36岁的嫌疑人面临包括共谋、危及生命、严重人身伤害和死亡在内的指控。 The suspects, aged 24 to 36, face charges including conspiracy, placing life in jeopardy, serious bodily injury, and death. 美国和危地马拉当局在逮捕中给予合作,4名嫌疑人被拘留在危地马拉,2名被拘留在美国。 US and Guatemalan authorities cooperated in the arrests, with four suspects detained in Guatemala and two in the US. 这群人叫做Los Quino, 将移民从危地马拉偷渡到美国付款。 The group, known as Los Quino, smuggled migrants from Guatemala to the US for payment.