拉贾斯坦邦警方成立了由妇女领导的“Kalika巡警队”,以加强妇女和儿童的安全。 Rajasthan Police launches women-led 'Kalika Patrolling Unit' to boost safety for women, children.
拉贾斯坦邦警察将启动“Kalika巡逻队”,这是一支专门由妇女领导的小组,以加强公共场所妇女和儿童的安全。 The Rajasthan Police will launch the 'Kalika Patrolling Unit,' a specialized women-led team, to enhance safety for women and children in public spaces. 从250个小组开始,每个小组由4名女警官组成,这些单位将穿蓝色制服,配有纳伦单字管和骑摩托车巡逻。 Starting with 250 teams of four female officers each, the units will wear blue uniforms with neon monograms and patrol on scooters. 起初,将在斋浦尔部署35支部队,扩大到其他地区。 Initially, 35 units will be deployed in Jaipur, expanding to other districts. 该倡议旨在预防针对妇女和儿童的犯罪,同时计划加强Nirbhaya小队,并安装更多的闭路电视摄像机。 The initiative aims to prevent crimes against women and children, alongside plans to strengthen the Nirbhaya squad and install more CCTV cameras.