葡萄牙正在成为医用大麻的主要参与者,尽管出口强劲,但面临着国内准入的挑战。 Portugal emerges as a key player in medical cannabis, facing domestic access challenges despite robust exports.
葡萄牙以其有利的气候和进步的药物政策为动力,在全球医疗大麻市场中扮演主要角色。 Portugal is positioning itself as a major player in the global medical cannabis market, driven by its favorable climate and progressive drug policies. 60多个公司已经获准生产大麻产品,另有170家公司有待核准。 Over 60 companies are already authorized to produce cannabis products, with 170 more pending approval. 该国去年出口了12吨的医用大麻产品,主要出口到德国、波兰、西班牙和澳大利亚。 The country exported 12 tonnes of medical cannabis products last year, mainly to Germany, Poland, Spain, and Australia. 尽管这种增长,但葡萄牙的病人在获得这些药物方面仍面临挑战,原因是医生不愿接受这些药物,而且医疗保健覆盖面有限。 Despite this growth, patients in Portugal face challenges in accessing these medications due to doctor reluctance and limited healthcare coverage. 预计到2030年全球市场将达到650多亿美元。 The global market is projected to reach over $65 billion by 2030.