巴基斯坦谴责网上骚扰记者的行为, Pakistan condemns online harassment of journalists, pledges action against PTI-linked trolls.
巴基斯坦联邦记者联盟(PFUJ)强烈谴责据称由PTI政党的追随者发起的针对几名资深记者的网上电击运动。 The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) has strongly condemned an online trolling campaign targeting several senior journalists, allegedly carried out by followers of the PTI political party. 联邦部长Attaullah Tarar宣布了对参与数字骚扰的人采取严厉行动的计划,强调政府承诺保护记者。 Federal Minister Attaullah Tarar announced plans to take strict action against those involved in the digital harassment, emphasizing the government's commitment to protecting journalists. 人民正义阵线呼吁立即采取安全措施,并敦促该政党尊重言论自由。 The PFUJ called for immediate safety measures and urged the political party to respect freedom of expression.