Nykredit计划用约247亿丹麦克朗购买Spar Nord银行, Nykredit plans to buy Spar Nord Bank for about DKK 24.7 billion, aiming to create Denmark's third-largest bank.
丹麦金融服务公司Nykredit计划通过建议自愿公开招标获得Spar Nord银行A/S的所有股份,对银行的价值估计约为247亿丹麦克朗。 Danish financial services company Nykredit plans to acquire all shares in Spar Nord Bank A/S through a recommended voluntary public tender offer, valuing the bank at about DKK 24.7 billion. Nykredit已经拥有Spar Nord银行的19.60%,目的是创建丹麦第三大银行,总贷款额达1 600亿丹麦克朗。 Nykredit, which already owns 19.60% of Spar Nord Bank, aims to create Denmark's third-largest bank with a combined lending volume of DKK 160 billion. 这项交易旨在为丹麦银行市场提供一个强有力的替代方案,将Spar Nord在当地的存在与Nykredit在财富管理和可持续性方面的专门知识结合起来。 The deal aims to provide a strong alternative in the Danish banking market, combining Spar Nord's local presence with Nykredit's expertise in wealth management and sustainability. 具体条件和报价的最后确定尚待确定。 The exact terms and finalization of the offer are pending.