近260万英国公民负担不起汽车保险, 比去年增加了90万。 Nearly 2.6 million UK citizens can't afford car insurance, a 900,000 increase from last year.
公民咨询组织报告,英国260万人买不起汽车保险,去年增加了90万人。 Citizens Advice reports that 2.6 million people in the UK cannot afford car insurance, an increase of 900,000 in the last year. 研究发现,有3%的成年人在一年内因保险费用而没有驾车,25%的福利领取者在付款、借贷或削减必需品方面落后。 The study found that 3% of adults have not driven in a year due to insurance costs, and 25% of benefit recipients have fallen behind on payments, resorting to borrowing or cutting essentials. 慈善机构的首席执行官呼吁采取行动解决成本上升的问题,而ABI注意到该行业承诺保持成本竞争力。 The charity’s CEO calls for action to address rising costs, while the ABI notes the industry's commitment to keeping costs competitive.