阿尔图纳的麦当劳在一名谋杀嫌疑人的被捕与 UnitedHealthcare 首席执行官的死亡有关后面临强烈反对。 McDonald's in Altoona faces backlash after a murder suspect's arrest links to a UnitedHealthcare CEO's death.
麦当劳位于宾夕法尼亚州Altoona, 在逮捕一名与联合医疗公司首席执行官Brian Thompson死亡有关的嫌犯后, 网上负面评论剧增。 McDonald's locations in Altoona, Pennsylvania, have seen a surge in negative online reviews following the arrest of a suspect linked to the death of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson. 逮捕是在一名雇员打电话给警察之后发生的。 The arrest occurred after an employee called the police. 审查表明不满意和不满,有些评论涉及拒绝健康保险索赔,甚至表示不适当地支持嫌疑人。 Reviews have expressed discomfort and dissatisfaction, with some comments touching on health insurance claim denials and even showing inappropriate support for the suspect. 受害者的作用与动机之间的联系仍然不明确。 The connection between the victim's role and the motive remains unclear.