卡诺州长在塞浦路斯解决应届毕业生欠近东大学费用的证书问题. Kano governor in Cyprus to resolve certificate issues for graduates owing fees to Near East University.
卡诺州州长Abba Yusuf正在塞浦路斯解决卡诺毕业生因未支付学费而无法从近东大学获得学术证书的问题。 Kano State Governor Abba Yusuf is in Cyprus to resolve the issue of Kano graduates unable to obtain their academic certificates from Near East University due to unpaid tuition fees. 省长会见了大学官员,讨论偿还债务和发放2015年至2019年毕业生证书的问题,特别是在医疗保健等领域。 The governor met with university officials to discuss settling the debts and releasing the certificates for graduates from 2015 to 2019, particularly in fields like healthcare. 此举旨在帮助这些毕业生推进职业生涯,促进卡诺州的发展。 This move aims to help these graduates advance their careers and contribute to Kano State's development.