IBM的新光学科技 可以将AI培训时间和能源使用 削减80%以上, 预定在魁北克完成。 IBM's new optics tech could cut AI training time and energy use by over 80%, set to be made in Quebec.
IBM开发了一种新的光学技术,称为共同包装的光学技术(CPO),可以使数据中心的效率发生革命性变化。 IBM has developed a new optics technology called co-packaged optics (CPO) that could revolutionize data center efficiency. 这种技术使用聚合物光电波制导器,这种制导器能够以光速传输数据,比传统的电线更有效地将芯片连接起来。 This technology uses polymer optical waveguides, which can transfer data at the speed of light, connecting chips more effectively than traditional electrical wiring. IBM声称,这可以将AI模式培训时间削减80%,将能源消耗减少80%以上,每年节省5 000个家庭所需的等量能源。 IBM claims this can slash AI model training times by up to 80% and reduce energy consumption by more than 80%, saving the equivalent energy needed to power 5,000 homes annually. 该技术经过可靠性测试,拟在魁北克制造,可大大减少AI处理的环境影响。 The technology, which has passed reliability tests, is set to be manufactured in Quebec and could significantly reduce the environmental impact of AI processing.