Honasa消费者有限公司任命Meetu Mulchandani为副总裁,在印度领导新的品牌开发。 Honasa Consumer Ltd appoints Meetu Mulchandani as VP to lead new brand development in India.
Honasa消费者有限公司是一家大型美容和个人护理公司,已任命Metu Mulchandani为副总裁兼品牌工厂分部负责人。 Honasa Consumer Ltd, a major beauty and personal care company, has appointed Meetu Mulchandani as Vice President and Head of its Brand Factory division. Mulchandani拥有近20年的工业经验,在霍纳萨工作了四年,他将监督新品牌的创建和成长,包括市场研究和营销战略。 Mulchandani, who has nearly 20 years of industry experience and has been with Honasa for four years, will oversee the creation and growth of new brands, including market research and marketing strategies. 她的作用对于霍纳萨实现成为印度最大的美人和个人护理品牌组合的目标至关重要。 Her role is crucial for Honasa's goal of becoming India's largest beauty and personal care brand portfolio.